for that matter? I will work full time meaning working 8-5, full forty hours of work, not 8-4 or 9-5, that's not full-time because that is not technically working 40 hrs. Also factor in the commute and that's a whole 10 hours spent due to work. I have to actually work a full 40 hours a week excluding lunch... (45 hours a week spent at work because of lunch).

If I get off work at 5pm and I need to be in bed by 10 pm (because I need to wake up at 6am and and I cannot function on less than 8 hrs of sleep, I need 1 hour to do makeup/get ready and will need to leave my house around 7am in order to avoid traffic just in case), how do I find time to take a dance class? I'm scared that if I take a dance class that starts at 6-7 pm it will prevent me from sleeping at 10pm because it will make my hyper and get my adrenaline going. I want to take hip hop classes btw.

How do I manage this (besides only taking classes on the weekend?) Working f/t is so tiring and time consuming. There is no time to do anything after work except eat and sleep.
I realize anything over 35 hrs is full time, I just wanted to emphasize that I have to work 40 hrs a week (plus 5 hours a week spent on lunch). I have to have at least 8 hours a day of sleep, I don't feel good at all unless I get 8 hours plus my skin looks a lot better and I look better and feel better when I get more sleep. I have to leave at 7am just in case there's an accident on the freeway or traffic etc. I don't ever want to be late.