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  1. #1
    Miss Amber
    Miss Amber's Avatar

    Is hiking alone dangerous for a woman to do?

    I enjoy hiking in the mountains. I never thought twice about it, but recently one of my friends said that I was crazy because women are usually raped or murdered when they are alone running, hiking etc. She said men can go hiking alone but it is not safe for women. Is such a fear logical? Should I change my exercise routine?

  2. #2
    Colonel Reb
    Colonel Reb's Avatar
    Hiking alone is dangerous for anyone. Many men have been murdered hiking by themselves as well, probably more than women knowing how the murder rate for each sex is. Then, you have to worry about how you'll get help if you get injured, especially if the trail isn't a popular one.

    Your friend is half-right. No one should be hiking by themselves. Although, saying they're "usually" raped or murdered is going way overboard. Chances are nothing will happen, but you do significantly increase your chances hiking by yourself.

  3. #3
    darksphere999's Avatar
    It's just rumours i think, i dont think people wait for women to go hiking so they can rape them. If you enjoy hiking and running you go for it, ignore what your friends say.

  4. #4
    Jennifer T
    Jennifer T's Avatar
    I used to run in the neighborhood and then I kept seeing a strange guy on a bike lurking around every time I was out. Then my family and I were out driving and saw him on his bike really far away from the neighborhood and he looked at us weird and waved. That was the last time I went out by myself. You can never be too careful! I would suggest getting a dog. I always feel much more safe with my dog friends around!

  5. #5
    Lady Lazarus
    Lady Lazarus's Avatar
    Oh well, if you went camping you might be attacked by a bear. Prepare yourself for danger with pepper spray, but don't live in fear.

  6. #6
    Malevolent Blessing v2.0
    Malevolent Blessing v2.0's Avatar
    Well, yes, millions of women get killed hiking every year.

  7. #7
    Johno's Avatar
    I do a lot of hiking and have never heard of anything bad happening to women walking alone and you do see lots of them out there.

  8. #8
    Lawrence's Avatar
    Just don't do it in a mountain in the middle of winter with a dead cell phone. We really don't want to spend another $150,000 looking for somebody that had no business there in the first place.

  9. #9
    Alex S
    Alex S's Avatar
    what do you think? have you ever seen any creepy guys following you or heard about it in your area. Pick your poison. not going hiking, or getting raped.

  10. #10
    Dubs's Avatar
    Only you can break the walls of the paranoia box. Would you regret not going or being content with being absorbed into the fears of your peers? Go prepared, make sure you have all the equipment/food you need, including a tazer and pepper spray. No howitzers or RPG's.



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