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  1. #11
    beowulff's Avatar

    I am your better. Do as I say.

    “Yes, officer, I only broke the law because it was convenient for me.”
    What an douche.

  2. #12
    kayaker's Avatar

    I am your better. Do as I say.

    Quick, call James Randi. I'm psychic and want my million dollar prize. I predict this thread will not go well.

  3. #13
    Freudian Slit
    Freudian Slit's Avatar

    I am your better. Do as I say.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chessic Sense View Post
    Everyone knows class exists. You just don't talk about it out loud unless you're trying to insult someone. That's why when I was getting lectured, I said to myself "Save it for the message board". I didn't say it out loud.
    Class exists, but it sure can't be bought with money.

  4. #14
    Really Not All That Bright
    Really Not All That Bright's Avatar

    I am your better. Do as I say.

    Sure, he can let you out. The movie theater ticket taker can also buy your story that your girlfriend has your ticket and has already gone in, but you paid for it, you totally swear.

  5. #15
    Fionn's Avatar

    I am your better. Do as I say.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chessic Sense View Post
    Everyone knows class exists. You just don't talk about it out loud unless you're trying to insult someone. That's why when I was getting lectured, I said to myself "Save it for the message board". I didn't say it out loud.
    Did "Save it for the message board" honestly run through your mind as this event was unfolding?

  6. #16
    Chessic Sense
    Chessic Sense's Avatar

    I am your better. Do as I say.

    Quote Originally Posted by MsWhatsit View Post
    If you're so smart, maybe you could figure out a system where a line of tourists waiting to use the fare card machine doesn't make you late for work.
    That would be SmarTrip. One-time $5 fee, no more waiting in line. When it works, it's great. When it breaks, you end up dealing with the frightened-puppy tourists. I don't usually mind. They're a nuisance, sure, like a plague of locusts. But it's not their fault anymore than it's a baby's fault that it cries. They just don't know any better.

    Metro employees, on the other hand, know better. Someone gave them a 3'x20' little fiefdom and they'll be DAMNED if someone's going to fuck with them on their turf! At least the metro cops have badges and guns. The station workers just have neon vests and brooms. They're like those 40-year old employees at McDonald's- resentful, degraded, and looking for any opportunity to assert themselves just because they can, just to justify not having put a bullet in their skull the night before.

  7. #17
    Villa's Avatar

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    Mar 2009

    I am your better. Do as I say.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chessic Sense View Post
    Not true. He can let me out, then I'll run my card through that turnstile and exit again. Paid for. Same price. I'm at work on time, the system gets its money, no one has to freak out. Everyone wins.
    Then you don't know how the Metro works. Unless your card shows where you got on, there is no way of it knowing the fare to charge you. Sure you got on in a place it is the minimum fare, but, just think, if you had got on in Shady Grove, or Vienna, or Franconia-Springfield, and then tried to pay at the end, don't you think you would have said you got on much closer?

    The system needs a start point and finish point. By turnstile jumping at your origin, you denied it the start point, and so made it impossible for the system to determine what you owed. You instead assume that Metro should rely on your honesty, which they can be forgiven for doubting seeing as you broke the rules by turnstile jumping in the first place.

  8. #18
    Freudian Slit
    Freudian Slit's Avatar

    I am your better. Do as I say.

    villa, does the DC system charge you by how far you go so that you pay after you exit? Just curious--I'm in New York so it's the same fare no matter where you go. In that case it seems like the OP really did scam the system.

  9. #19
    Villa's Avatar

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    I am your better. Do as I say.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chessic Sense View Post

    Quote Originally Posted by olivesmarch4th View Post
    Why do you think Jamal is beneath you? Because you make more money? Because the Metro employees hold GEDs? Because you're not a ''hood rat''?
    Yes. Yes. Yes.

    You know how upthread people were trying to anger me by saying that my boss needs press releases? Or that I should be doing some menial task instead of posting on here? Why do you think that type of comment would be insulting? Because it's implying that I'm of a lower status in life than I actually am.

    Everyone knows class exists. You just don't talk about it out loud unless you're trying to insult someone. That's why when I was getting lectured, I said to myself "Save it for the message board". I didn't say it out loud.
    No, you dense little fellow you. The reason people are mocking you about it isn't that we care about class and recognize the truth of what you say, but because you so clearly care about it.

    Call me an intern in DC, and it doesn't bother me. You are so hung up on your alleged superiority, whether gained from your race or your important position, that it is fun to tease you about it. I highly doubt that you are, as you claim to be, "at the top" in DC.

    That you feel a need to brag about your alleged status paints a big fat target on your back as far as I am concerned. I see wankers like you way too often in bars in Clarendon or on U Street, which is why I don't go there anymore. By the way - that MidWestern intern you've been buying drinks for all night hoping she'll give you a hand job later? Just keep on telling everyone in the bar how important you are and I am sure you'll get lucky with one of the semi-conscious skanks you've been buying drinks for all night.

  10. #20
    Really Not All That Bright
    Really Not All That Bright's Avatar

    I am your better. Do as I say.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rand Rover View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Chessic Sense View Post
    Give it time. Rand Rover will show up eventually. He'll understand why I'm better than Metro employees.
    Nope. You are a rule-breaking douche. You broke the rules just to save yourself a few minutes, and you could have easily avoided the whole situation (by loading up your card on your way to or from work on a previous day). So, you get no sympathy or support from me.
    We always knew you had it in you.



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