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  1. #21
    dark_red's Avatar

    If you could only choose one.................?

    Harry and Hermione-the greatest love story never told (for me at least ) They just fit. They completely trust and respect each other. I love the intensity and beauty of their friendship. Hermione's always put Harry's safety before hers...she never, not once, left Harry's side. She's always been there for him. They have been through so much together. A lot of the important events in Harry's life he shared only with Hermione and vice versa. Their relationship is the kind that I would like to have someday with my future other half. :love:

  2. #22
    Provocative's Avatar
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    If you could only choose one.................?

    If someone had asked me this a year ago, I would have definitely said Ron and Hermione (HP), but seeing as they got their happily ever after they dont count right?

    So if I were to be asked right now, I'd probably say Derek and Casey (Life With Derek) - simply because the likelihood of them sailing off into the sunset is non-existant :lol:

    hmmm, and then maybe Lucas and Brooke (OTH), just because it feels like I've gone through a lot shipping those two and have recently had to sit through serious LP-pimpage, so it would be so refreshing if these two would end up together.

    I have like a massive pile of other ships though And other failed couples whose relationships I'd love to resurrect

  3. #23
    blazing star
    blazing star's Avatar

    If you could only choose one.................?

    :nod: I couldn't have said it better myself. Normally I don't get as invested in sitcom couples because a lot of times the relationships get sacrificed for comedy, but in spite of that, Jackie/Hyde had such a special and meaningful relationship that it didn't matter what kind of show they came from. And what happened to them in the last season was not only cruel but completely unrealistic. No couple should be tossed aside the way they were. I think if any couple deserves their happy ending, it's Jackie/Hyde! :love:

  4. #24
    courtneybangelcakes's Avatar

    If you could only choose one.................?

    What would of been :bawl:

  5. #25
    carraboo's Avatar

    If you could only choose one.................?

    :bawl: oh god don't remind me! I still feel the pain of that one. Whatever the writers were thinking, it backfired on them lol. 24 hasn't been the same(IMO) since S4. Tony and Michelle were key to the show, both as individuals and a couple. It just wasn't the same without them

  6. #26
    ?Rose?Nylund?'s Avatar

    If you could only choose one.................?

    Micheal & Kimberly, Melrose Place: For me I always dream of them being together but sadly she died and he was left all alone.

    Runner up!

    Sawyer & Kate, Lost: They are meant to be together and both of them know it.

    Third and final couple!

    Sami & Lucas, Days Of Our Lives: Because they are thee Soap couple that should always be and stay together.

  7. #27
    glory fades
    glory fades's Avatar

    If you could only choose one.................?

    Ross and Rachel. They had so many good moments that I can't even choose a favorite. I think they have such a beautiful history, from friends to lovers to the breakup to friends to having Emma and finally getting together in the end. I loved how no matter what happened, they were always there for eachother and remained friends. :in_love:

    My other choices: Pacey and Joey (DC), Buffy and Spike (BtVS)

  8. #28
    ashleyt's Avatar

    If you could only choose one.................?

    I would usually pick Buffy and Angel, seeing as Pacey/Joey and Michael/Maria got their HEA. But I feel like there's no doubt about BA getting that happy ending (not because Joss and Co. cater to BA fans more like many believe) but because they are each other's rewards. And they've sacrificed all of their happiness for the world so it's time the world gave back. Just saying :lol:

    So I'm going to pick Jeff/Annie. Right now their not ready for an endgame but they've already evolved so much in this short time and all signs point to them being better for each other the more they grow. It's almost like they're the same underneath it all but they have enough superficial differences to make life interesting. Plus the chemistry is off the charts :thud:

  9. #29
    ~*Sonia E.*~
    ~*Sonia E.*~'s Avatar

    If you could only choose one.................?


    Sean & Liz- As much as I loved Max and Liz in S1, TPTB destroyed them and the magic was gone. Sean and Kyle were both there for Liz when she needed help, but I always considered Kyle more of a friend to Liz.

    Now Sean and Liz had potential and I wished his character would have been brought back in S3. Then the yawnfest that was S3 would have been quite interesting to me.

    ETA: My other couple from Roswell would have been Michael & Courtney. They were totally HOT together and another interesting couple that I would have loved to see more of. After all, Michael gave Courtney the secret to where the Granilith was, and some said he didn't care about her. Yeah right!!!! :blah:

  10. #30
    rummagingforanswers's Avatar

    If you could only choose one.................?

    Couldn't agree more! Jake&Peyton are adorable and amazing. :nod:



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