So I been driving around a crappy but awesome 2000 focus, and I have kept it running for a long time, but i decided to get a new car.
On the focus I tried SRI, CAI, headers, exhaust, fiber hood, ect.... Most was free loaners or i got them dirt cheap from craigslist cause everyone was upgrading.

Well now with a NEW 2010 fit, i want to spice it up a bit.
I already know i will be getting a SRI, 4hp at 6000rpms is not bad.
Put me at a whopping 121hp! Hahah

Anyways, for the exhaust with my focus, it was just some cheap generic crap and i don't even know what it was. What are some suggestions or thoughts?
I am NOT lookn for "LOUD LOUD LOUD!"
I wouldn't mind a nice low RPM hum though And i wouldn't mind it getting loud while 4000+ RPMS.
What i DO NOT want it LOUD all the time.
I would like it to add some HP from mid-high RPM range.

Any comments would be nice

And yes, i know if i want a fast car go by a camero or some shit, well i rather finish paying off my house so i can be a home owner at age 28. So for now, i can settle for a cheap, light, fun to drive, car that i touch up JUST a bit.
Fit - sport -MANUAL (THANK GOD!!!!)