steal cars? I think it's sick that there are now TV shows that actually depend on people breaking the law and getting arrested. It's like they now NEED people to do this, they WANT people to do this, just so they'll stay on the air and make money. I thought commiting crimes was bad, not good. When TV makes shows like this, they're giving the message that it's good, or else they'll have no one to bust and arrest, their shows get canceled and they lose money...

Are they actors?
Or are thhey real people?
If they're just really good actors, showing what can happen if you try to steal a car, then that's fine.
But if they're real people(which i was going on the assumption of at the beginning of my rant here), then it's just sick. Why would ANYONE getting caught and arrested want to be on TV with millions of people watching? Would you? Would your friend? I doubt it.

Now that we're on the subject of this stuff, why do we have a show called "World's Dumbest Criminals"? Again, I thought crimes were supposed to be taken seriously. They aren't being taken seriously if they show this stuff on TV.
And again, if those "dumb criminals" are just actors playing their part very well, that's one thing, but if they're real people commiting real crimes, again, why the hell would they want to be on TV, getting themselves humiliated? They'd get ridiculed by anyone who remembers them and their chances at getting sex after they get out might be much lower because of it. Doesn't the producer "Smoking Gun" have to make sure those "dumb criminals" sign a release to be televises, or else they risk lawsuits after that person gets out?
And if they agreed to it, what could possible have made them agree to it? What could they have been offered? A clean record? Money? A guaranteed role in TV later on? A combination of any of those?
BTW, what would the host of America's Most Wanted John Walsh, do if he got shorted a nugget at McDonald's? Would he go searching for that missing nugget and try to find out who took it, much like the way America's Most Wanted and Unsolved Mysteries does their thing?