Okay so i am doing like a physics research paper on this.
First in my intro i will talk about the conservation of momentum of water and boat/paddle wheel
I will give an idea:
A more effiiecient sytem:
water: mass=10kg velocity=10m/s
momentum = 100N/s = 50*v (v.boat= 2m/s)
This has to equal to the kinetic energy
0.5*m(w)*v(w)² = 0.5MV² + ....... (these dots wills be the frictional force, i dont think i will be calculte it)
So wast energy is 4900J (correct?)

Now for a less effecient system
water: mass=1kg velocity=100m/s
momentum = 100N/s = 50*v (v.boat= 2m/s)
This has to equal to the kinetic energy
0.5*m(w)*v(w)² = 0.5MV² + ....... (these dots wills be the frictional force, i dont think i will be calculte it)
So wast energy is 49900J (correct?)
-in this sytem alot of splashing will take place

So my teacher told me to discuss this concept in the intro, like my aim is to make an effeicient system, but if velocity is very low isnt that useless in real life?
I am also confused about this, how should i frame the intro with this concept does it even make any sense?