I injured myself in February and was diagnosed with Lateral Epicondylitis "Tennis Elbow. After 4 months of PT, the pain would not go away. I went and had a MRI and it found a 9x3x8cm tear on the tendon that connects the forearm to the elbow. The pain just wouldnt stop even at rest. Finally I went to a Orthopedic Doc yesterday and he refused to even acknowledge that there is a tear, and instead before I could ask questions, he gave me a cordisone shot in the affected area. He said to give this 6 weeks and if it didnt get better than he would talk about surgery. I have never had an injury like this and I would like to hear from anyone out there that has had success with a cordisone treatment even though there was a tear present. The cordisone shot so far has helped the constant throbbing pain subside a bit and I got my first good nights sleep in months last night.