I have a problem...I've been smoking pot everyday since June; I really don't think I can stop. While I was out smoking weed with my friends on Friday, my mom went to my room in search of my dirty clothes to wash. I stupidly left my gym bag containing my weed (about 1 gram, but was initially a half ounce), and pipe out in the open. She went through it looking for my P.E. clothes, and found that.

She never told me she found it when she came home, but I was searching for it, going up and down the stairs, for about an hour. The following day she talks to me, she doesn't show disappointment, but I can sense it. An hour after she finishes talking to me about it, I go out and buy a 20 sack!

I don't know what to do... I'm only 16. I'm getting A's and B's currently, so why should I stop smoking if I'm doing fine? But I also can't seem to enjoy anything without at least a bowl...

What should I do... I smoke about 4 bowls a day at seperate times ( i don't like to get ripped, just buzzed and I'm a lightweight )
It's like I need at least a bowl when I come home from school...