Okay so my friend posted a status sayin;
"dude. we are only 16 we have the rest of our lives to grow up. stop rushing it! once you get older your gunna wish you were 16 again. i hate when people say grow up. we are still children. take being young for grated. i promise if you dont, when your older your gunna regret not taking that for grated!"
Please excuse there several misspellings.

Anyways my friend posted that and i was confused because they say that we should take being young for granted? but shouldnt she have said "dont take being young for granted"?

When you say 'dont take (something) for granted', that basically means, appreciate it while you have it because it wont last forever.
am i right?
so applying that to being sixteen that means live up the teen years because they'll end and maturity and responsibility will be required.

but my friend said i'm wrong and that we should take teen years for granted?
im pretty sure that you shouldnt take life or childhood for granted
So whos right?
KK your answer is irrelevant and unhelpful