I called one too many times with this guy who I like and he likes me and he didn't let me know for a month that I was making him uncomfortable (I didn't know cause he would be open with me whenever I contacted him and even made future plans like to Skype sometime). I like the guy a lot yet contacting him was more than he was comfortable with and he let his roommate know that he felt smothered and he personally wished I would calm down. He also told his roommate that he was planning to call me, but I beat him to it. I contacted his roommate to get him to drop my name around this guy. It came to a head when he left a facebook message on my wall telling me, "Please leave my roommates alone you are starting to creep them out Peter ". I did call him once and left him a message apologizing and he didn't return the call, which I feel is him wanting his space. Is he telling me to tone down or he wants to end things?