I put a lot of thought into which to get, watching/reading loads of reviews and comparisons for weeks, and I just thought I liked the Zune HD overall after playing around with Best Buy's. I just love the interface of the Zune HD, the OLED screen, the industrial and sleekness to it.. pretty much everything about it...

... until I went to the mall today with a friend and fooled around at the Apple store (unplanned). I was blabbing earlier about how sure I was on the Zune HD, then I started playing around with the iPod Touch and it was just so wonderful to me -___- I love that there's facetime and a pretty good camera, as well as a YouTube app (all these things that the Zune HD didn't have). I'm on the computer a lot (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Email, etc.) but I'm also a music junkie as well.

Now I'm stuck because I love the iPod Touch's camera and just more of a well-rounded kind of device when it comes to the multi-media. However, I've never really been into Apple's interface and I really dislike iTunes. So I'm pretty like 'blah' about which one to get.

If only there was a device that had the Zune's interface, music quality, and such, but the iPod Touch's multi-media-ness, I'd die D:


PS. I don't really mind the apps, however I do love apps, but I think I could deal with the Zune HD's current apps, plus I could always put other apps by others myself
The internet browser for the Zune isn't capable for even m.Youtube =( No flash