Met a great guy. He has told me that he is not interested in a relationship with anyone and wants me to know that because he doesn't want to hurt me.

There is definite chemistry between us when we do get together. We constantly make each other laugh! Our intimate times together are very intense...a close connection. During sex there is lots of eye contact. He likes to reach for my hand and hold it during. Deep kissing and what not. When we are done he always pulls me close and holds me until I fall asleep. When he thinks I am sleeping...he kisses my forehead multiple times and runs his fingers repeatedly through my hair. I have caught him watching me sleep as well. In the morning there is no rush for me to times he has tried to get me to stay longer when I told him it was time for me to go. But when we are not together the contact is kept to a minimum. He will randomly text or email one or two times a week....just to say something goofy. When we are together...there are sparks....something I have not felt for a long time. Should I listen to what he is saying to me or what his actions are saying? Does his action say that he likes me more than what he is letting on???