recently ive told my mom that i have done psilocybin mushrooms, obviously she doesnt like it cuz its classified as a drug but she isnt like pissed im not in trouble or anything. but i want a way to explain to her that it is not an escape for me and never has been, if anything im trapped with problems of the world and use all the power i can to collect my thoughts and make it all come together with a real solution, ive never felt like i escape my problems by doing them.. its more like i face them head on and try and deal with them.

thats the first problem, second one is i try and explain why i like to do it, ( a bunch of shiza from older trips about my mind wrapping itself around the webs and strings of the universe only to find that there will always be a new answer to the same questions because everything constantly changes and everything only connects together for a fraction of a second and it all makes sense before one component in life changes and everything gets thrown out of whack ) lots of philosophical even some spiritual existence and such. and her simple answer is just U CAN ACHIEVE THAT THROUGH MEDITATION, yes u can make it to some form of state through meditation but come on if u have done mushrooms- meditation hales in comparison.

she says she doesnt know what could be next for me, heroin and such- i tried explaining to her that heroin and a psychedelic are nothing alike.. and not only that but i am so far from any wanting to do any sort of hardcore drug, haha she is the one with oxy cotton and xanax and muscle relaxers haha. but thats besides the point, i feel like my arguments are very valid but she always finds a way to fight at my from two angles, i block her off with one thing and then she comes around back with another thing that i have to fight off almost to the point of contradicting the last thing i said to protect my grounds. hahaha I KNOW ITS A LOT SORRY!!! just give me all ur input, LONG ANSWERS APPRECIATED !!!