Place: Ontario, Canada. Time: 12:40 AM (Sunday Morning)

So, here's the deal. I was going the speed limit and i was approaching a green light. The light turns yellow and i'm going 60 km/h so I coast through. I don't know where the cop was but I saw he was following me without his lights on. I said fuck and waited for the lights to come on. They did and i pulled over.

Now, I've seen some cool videos on how to deal with cops; so i turned off my car, took off my hat and placed my hands on the steering wheel. He took my licence and noticed I was shaking (I have panic attacks) so he was curious but i just told him I was nervous. So he asks me some unimportant questions and says that I "ran a yellow". I was nervous and didn't get to explain that if i hit my breaks the ABS would have kicked in, thats how close I was to the intersection when it changed.

So he says to me he's going to try and give me a "bylaw" ticket instead. He goes and fills out his stuff and brings me back my ticket. I don't know what a regular ticket looks like but I got the ticket. It was for $180 and says "Failed to stop at an Amber light" and nothing said about my speed. Anyways he kept hinting that I should go to court, but I don't have a lot of time being up at college.

So my question are these: What does this ticket consist of? Will my insurance go up? Do i get points? Whats the difference between this ticket and a "normal" ticket?

Also, he just took my licence, not my insurance or registration. I don't know if that makes a difference. I think he just gave me a ticket to put on his quota for the month.