I'm a student doing work placement for college. I've been at this workplace for 3 months. The supervisor and I get along well & we have a lot of chemistry. We also flirt a lot with each other.

We're both single and of similar age. Thing is, we are in an awkward position since I am a student and he is my supervisor.

The other day we were talking. I got angry at him. I made him upset. I've been thinking about him ever since.

This morning I decided to ring and I apologised. I then confessed my feelings towards him. I wanted to tell him in person, but he was really pushy - not sure why. This was the phone conversation:

Him: "*Company name.* James speaking."
Me: "Hi James it's Eryn."
Him: "Hi Eryn, how are you?"
Me: "Not bad thanks. I was just ringing to apologise for getting upset with you on Monday. I think I projected my anger towards you because I have a certain issue I'm finding hard to deal with."
Him: "Is it an issue at home?"
Me: "No it's work."
Him: "Has it got to do with someone?"
Me: "Yes."
Him: "Me?"
Me: "Yes. But it's something I'd rather tell you in person, not over the phone."
Him: "What is it? Tell me now."
Me: "No I'd rather say it when I see you next."
Him: "No tell me now."
Me: Ok... I like you."
Him: *Awkward silence* "How long have you had these feelings for?"
Me: "About 2 months."
Him: "Do you think you can continue your work placement here with those feelings?"
Me: "I don't know!"
Him: "Do you want to come here on Monday so we can discuss your feelings? How about you come here 1.30?"
Me: "Ok."

I'm not supposed to be back at work til the 17th January 2011, but he's asked me to come in next Monday to discuss my feelings. I'm not sure whether this is a good or bad sign. Not sure what to make of it.