changed to Yahoo Opinions? I often go to internet searches to look for information. Answers. I have been consistently disappointed by what I find on Yahoo Answers. I also see setups. Questions are asked and a VERY slanted answer is picked by the asker as their best answer. This is like one friend saying, lets ask this question, and then you post the answer, and I will pick it as the best answer. This is nothing but internet static, disinformation, or down right lies. The internet at its' worst. Wikipedia is not always right, but they do make attempts to have correct answers. I am insulted when I do an internet search and end up at Yahoo Answers. These are not answers. It is misleading and angers me to the point that I wonder how someone could sue them to change the name. I think Yahoo Answers would be OK if it lived within the closed boundries of a social networking site, but have no visibility from the open internet. I don't want to see this silliness. I don't think it is appropriate for children to read Yahoo Answers. It is too misleading. I don't want Yahoo Answers answers to come up when I do an internet search. I want REAL answers. This has no business being called answers. It should be called Yahoo Opinions. What is your take?