sharp when I'm really sick? Whenever I'm really sick and in bed, I get these weird sensations (hallucinations?) like I'm surrounded by something soft, but then there's also something hard, spiky, or sharp, which is really annoying and prevents me from sleeping. When I was little it was usually my blanket, which was soft, but any wrinkle in the blanket or sheet would just be unbearable and actually feel sharp. I had forgotten all about this (I guess I haven't been that sick in the last ten years) but last year I got real sick and the same thing happened. And what's weird is that I also got a mental picture when I closed my eyes. It was like I was in a room with a big soft pillow that just kept getting bigger and bigger (I forgot; there's also a feeling of pressure or weight most of the time) and then finally it got so big that it broke the window, so I was surrounded by the pillow and the broken glass and metal frame of the window. Anyway, yesterday I got sick again, and I had the same sort of feeling. This time it was like something soft, but heavy, was on top of me (like a walrus!) and underneath me there were a bunch of broken toys. I think the toy thing was because there was one of my daughter's toys on the bed around my feet that I kicked off the bed because it was annoying and then later my brain exaggerated it or something. Anyway, does anyone know what might be causing this, or has this ever happened to you? I'd really like to know, as I'm very curious as to why it's always the same kind of feeling involved.