okay so i could possibly be 12 days pregnant. my breast started to become very tender, swollen, and sore. they grew even larger and fuller with in the first four days. my nipples have also gotten larger and tad bit darker. im getting more acne then usual but i just recently moved and my skin has been getting worse due to the change in weather but this acne is getting harder to get rid of. ive also been extremely moody, constipated and always hungry. is there any other early signs of pregnacy that i should know about? even the tinniest almost unnoticable ones. oh i havent missed my period yet because its due on the 25 of december which is in 5 days..and on christmas oh yay what a great gift! btw i do not want to have a child whats so ever so giving birth is not an option for me. i am 16 and i just cant have my family knowing if i am. is there anyway i could have an abortion with very little or no cost? i know it seems like to much to ask and i know the answer is likely to be no but i thought id try. please save the 'im to young' 'im to irresponsible' 'abortions are wrong' speeches. i dont care to read them. thank you