I was in English class one day this week and my English teacher made us play this game to write down as many sports as possible in 30 seconds and the person who got the most would read them aloud and they would get a prize. Well, the girl that won said all of her sports said that cheering was a sport. A boy in my class then said that it's not. And a cheerleader in my class said, "Cheering is so a sport." And there was an 'argument'. Then the teacher finally said it is a sport. My friend who is in marching band, along with me, asked the teacher if marching band was a sport. And my teacher said "No, I wouldn't consider it to be one."

I mean, we do way more than them. All what they do is stand on the sidelines and say, "Give me a C." And why do you even need them at the high school's football game. They're just annoying. Some of the cheerleaders at my school are nice, though. Some of them are pretty, but a lot of them aren't and a lot of them are fat.. no offense. The cheerleaders at my school don't even have poms poms.. Stupid, I know, but they don't have them because the coaches don't know how to spend money and they spent all the money on new uniforms. My cousin is a cheerleader and she said that it gets annoying and she might quit.

Even on my school's website, it has cheerleading under a sport and marching band under an activity.

So, why is cheering a sport, but marching band isn't?