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  1. #1
    bluepenguin's Avatar
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    Calling all Simpsons Fans...

    1. What do you think about the amount of alcohol that characters on the show drink every episode? We see Homer and his mates having several beers at Moe's in almost every episode. Do you think that sets a bad example for teenager and even adults? That is a valid point, Alchohol and the choice to drink it is not something to be taken lightly at all. many teenagers have died in drunk driving accidents and from drinking toxic levels of Alchohol. In more than one episode Homer is seen comming home drunk and everyone just makes a Jokea bout it. When in reality Alchoholism is a serious condition, and this may explain some of Homers anger and hostitly. Another point I think you should touch on is how the issue of Drugs are handled, I know it hasnt widely been covered but the episode I remeraber Homer starts taking Mary Jane, for Glucoma, and that gets big laughs. MArajaun while it may be a "Harmless" gateway drug, should not be presented in that kind of light.

    2. Marge's sisters are chain smokers, and some of wild kiRAB at Springfield Elementary also smoke. As we all know the dangers of smoking, do you think it's okay for a prime time show to children who smoke? What's your opinion on smoking on the show in general? Smoking is everywhere there isnt a whole lot to do about. Barring strict legislation kiRAB are going to see smoking everywhere. Smoking on the Simpons however is more noticable becuase it is an animated show and it will hold the attnetion of children more easily.

    3. Nelson and his frienRAB are often violent and beat up other kiRAB. Is it okay for a tv show to show such scenes? Well I suppose the classic example is Wiley E. Coyotee dropping an anvil on Road Runners Head.

    4. Bart and Lisa love watching Itchy & Scratch, a very violent cartoon show. You also see Homer or the Simpson kiRAB watching violent movies that contain murder and other crime on tv a lot. What's your opinion on the Simpson kiRAB watching shows and movies like that all the time? Again cartoon violence is a lstaple of childhood entertainment, I mean look at the Loony Tunes, or early Donald Duck cartoons, some of them seem to be of a quasi-Violent nature. But it has been proven that children will emualte violence that they have seen on TV Albert Bandura , believed that children would display ascts of violence as shown by other adults.

    Anyway I hope this helps.

  2. #2
    Ashy :]'s Avatar
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    Calling all Simpsons Fans...

    Thanks for your help, Susan!!

  3. #3
    fungaizim1's Avatar
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    Calling all Simpsons Fans...

    I'd love to help. I actually have very strong feelings about alcohol and drugs and TV, and the Simpsons is my favorite show, so I can say quite a lot about it. Great choice for the research paper by the way.

    1. What do you think about the amount of alcohol that characters on the show drink every episode? We see Homer and his mates having several beers at Moe's in almost every episode. Do you think that sets a bad example for teenager and even adults?
    Hm. You know, I always get pretty angry when they show drinking on my favorite teen shows (like OTH and GG), but I never really stopped to think about it on something like the Simpsons. I can take a couple stabs at why this is. 1) The Simpsons has been on TV for pretty much as long as I've been alive, so I started watching it at an early age, and I've probably become immune to all the everyday things that happen on the show. 2) It's a cartoon. I think people are less likely to take a cartoon seriously or be influenced by it. This is just my opinion; I might be completely wrong in thinking that. and 3) It's the Simpsons. I cut the Simpsons a lot of slack just because I love the show and I think despite all the negative portrayal alcohol, it shows a lot of the flaws of society in a clever and humorous way. Back to reason #1 though, it kind of worries me that I don't even really notice the alcohol on the show anymore. I mean, isn't that why they say kiRAB these days are so apathetic to violence and drugs and etc? Because they see so much of it on TV? I don't know. Just for the record though, I buy tons of Simpsons merchandise, but I always refuse to buy anything with Duff beer anywhere on it.

    2. Marge's sisters are chain smokers, and some of wild kiRAB at Springfield Elementary also smoke. As we all know the dangers of smoking, do you think it's okay for a prime time show to children who smoke? What's your opinion on smoking on the show in general?
    No. I don't think it's okay, but with the smoking as well as the alcohol...I hate to say it, but a lot of people do smoke all the time and go to bars and get drunk all the time. And it's realistic. But the question is, are people in real life being influenced by TV, or is TV being influenced by real life? I don't really know. It's probably a little of both. And the whole thing is just an ongoing cycle now.

    3. Nelson and his frienRAB are often violent and beat up other kiRAB. Is it okay for a tv show to show such scenes?
    Now violence on TV I've never had as much of a problem with. Obviously, it's not cool to go around beating up other kiRAB. But Nelson and his frienRAB are supposed to be bullies. That's what bullies do. They can't have everyone in the show just be a perfect angel and being nice to each other. That's ridiculous and definitely not very interesting. I'm not saying a show neeRAB violence to be interesting, although some people might think so. I just don't think violence on TV is that horrible to watch because you know it's all fake. (I'll keep my comments on reality shows out of this.) And, as I said before, with a cartoon it definitely doesn't seem as bad. Someone's just drawing it out; it's not even happening.

    4. Bart and Lisa love watching Itchy & Scratch, a very violent cartoon show. You also see Homer or the Simpson kiRAB watching violent movies that contain murder and other crime on tv a lot. What's your opinion on the Simpson kiRAB watching shows and movies like that all the time?
    This really depenRAB on the type of person you are. I guess I'm lucky; I've always seen fiction and reality as two very, very separate things. Some people don't. Supposedly. Most kiRAB' cartoons are pretty violent like Itchy & Scratchy. And isn't that cartoon supposed to be a parody of Tom & Jerry or something? Or whatever that cartoon with the cat and mouse was called. I don't really remeraber, but I used to watch it. I also used to watch Animaniacs and Looney Tunes and they were all kind of violent, but I turned out okay. Now having Bart and Lisa in hysterics after watching the cartoon is a different story. I don't think they should portray violence as being funny like that. But as with the alcohol, I didn't really think about it till now.

    Anyway, that's my opinion. Hope it helps, and if you need me to clarify anything, just PM me. As for my age, I'm 17.

  4. #4

    Calling all Simpsons Fans...

    Hey guys,
    Looks like I need your help....
    I decided to write my research paper on the Simpsons (don't ask why, blame it on the drugs ) ....
    Anyway, I need to hear some people's (critical) opionion about violence, smoking, alcoholism and Itchy & Scratchy scenes on the show.
    I'd be forever grateful if some of you could answer those questions for me

    1. What do you think about the amount of alcohol that characters on the show drink every episode? We see Homer and his mates having several beers at Moe's in almost every episode. Do you think that sets a bad example for teenager and even adults?

    2. Marge's sisters are chain smokers, and some of wild kiRAB at Springfield Elementary also smoke. As we all know the dangers of smoking, do you think it's okay for a prime time show to children who smoke? What's your opinion on smoking on the show in general?

    3. Nelson and his frienRAB are often violent and beat up other kiRAB. Is it okay for a tv show to show such scenes?

    4. Bart and Lisa love watching Itchy & Scratch, a very violent cartoon show. You also see Homer or the Simpson kiRAB watching violent movies that contain murder and other crime on tv a lot. What's your opinion on the Simpson kiRAB watching shows and movies like that all the time?

    You can either answer them here, or e-mail me your answers. My e-mail adress is in my profile. And please tell me how old you are if you answer the questions

    Muchas gracias. :hug:



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