I am 21, and I just quit law school because I hated it. I have always had an interest in architecture, not so much landscape architecture though (mainly caused by lack of knowledge in what they do beyond designing gardens). I am however, very interested in skateboarding and snowboarding and am wondering if the scope of the profession extends into designing plazas and ski field terrain.

Currently my situation would make it easy to get a well recognised postgraduate degree in landscape architecture in 2 years, and from what I can tell the job market looks better than that of regular architecture. My plan is to work in this area for a while as closely to my stated interest areas as possible, then later do an M.ARCH I and become an architect (when I have the money to do this overseas, and when the architect job market is looking better.)

I guess I have two questions:

What is the scope of the profession? and;

Is it going to be viable to move into regular architecture in the way I have just stated?