This girl that I used to be friends with, and let move in, stole almost 2000$ worth of mine and my dad's belongings, and now she is harassing me over both the house phone, and my cell phone, I have changed my cell phone number 5 different times, and my dad refuses to change the house phone number, she still keeps getting my cell phone number every time I change it though, she physically attacked me in May of 2010, and in June of 2010 she busted my little brother's bedroom window in with a toy lawn mower and scared him half to death, we have caught her on CAMERA siphoning gas out of our car, and the cops refuse to do anything about it, they said that there isn't enough evidence even though we caught her on our security camera messing with our house, and now she is calling and texting, making death threats on my family and pets. They refused to issue a restraining order. What can we do to stop her when the cops won't help? Should we buy a gun and just shoot her next time she enters our property? Totally lost here, please help.