A Sony Vaio VPCEA36 to be exact.

I'm heading into tertiary study and I'm going to use this as an excuse to buy myself a nice laptop. Anyway, the Sony Vaio caught my eye in the SONY store because of its vibrant choice in colours. After actually looking at it, it appears sexy, not too fat and not TOO small so i dont have to squint at it.

What I'm actually after is a laptop thats capable of medium level gaming, like WoW, Counter Strike and such, not like any hardcore games with hardcore graphics.
And since I'm going to do architecture, a computer capable of CAD programs for 3D modelling etc.

For it's price, I think i'd expect it to be pretty decent, but being a bit broke at the moment, i need to know from users first hand if this is a reliable laptop.

Can anyone give me any opinion on the good and the bad of this model? Or suggest another model? (Not Alienware, lets be realistic... =P)
