I have been friends with this girl for like 2 years. The past year, I really wasn't fond of her that much. She would always complain about how ugly she looked, how stupid she was. Like it was really annoying. I had to listen to it 24/7. We were best friends, and we had lots of girl-on-girl talks, but, I realized she was just using me. Whenever I had like $30, she would ask for money, and I would give her like 10 dollars, and she would start spazzing at me saying, that's not fair. you get 20, and I only get 10. Also, I told her a very deep secret about me, and she told like soo many people. And she has back-stabbed me on several occasions. Anyways, we weren't friends, and whenever she messages me on facebook, I get soo FU.CKEN mad, I wanna punch her in the face, she says I don't do anything for her, i am a S.L.U.T , I am useless, she says how ugly I am. like it hurts alot, and I get soo mad, I message her back, and I really don't wanna. I have tired, so many times of just taking a break and not messaging her, but I always wanna say something. then I blocked her, and she got all of her friends to like message me up. like I couldn't deal with it. Also at school, I hang out with a group of people, who are also her friends, and she always gets them against me so i have no friends. And not that many people like me in my school, so I really cant go up to someone else, and be like 'hey!' Anyways, we are friends now because i dont know how to deal with it. I truly hate her, and I have to be her friend because then everyone will hate me, and I will have no friends, I will be put down more than ever. And I cant switch schools or anything. What should I do?? PLEAASE PLEAAASE HELP MEE!
This has been eating at me for soo long, and I neeed help!! PLEASSSSE!!
Also, I have been picked on like my whole life. And believe me, I am not that ugly, because lots of people say im not,
also, I am a good person. I do my homework, I am nice/caring to people, I wanna make a difference in the world. But apparently people see a side of me that i dont see? anyways help me!!! PLEAASSE!