Recently I have been diagnosed with Lurabosacral Radiculopathy. About a month and a half ago I hurt my back and the same day masterbated really hard. I had really bad nurabness in testicle area and stinging pains down my leg. For a month I thought since I masterbated really hard that I ruined my testicles. 3 yrs prior to this I had some trauma to my penis which when it healed it curved a little but everything seemed to heal but still seemed different. So about a month ago I noticed after I hurt my back that my veins in my penis are a little enlarged and one vein was very dark blue and thin. I had an ultrasound done on me about a month ago to see if I had any damage and they said everything is fine. My questions is will Lurabosacral Radiculopathy effect blood flow to penis or make it look odd at times?