I'm 16. A junior in high school. A girl
When I look in the mirror this is what I see-
I don't like my teeth
Acne so I always have to wear coverup
Circular/big eyes
Short I'm 5'1
I don't feel like I have natural beauty
Fat I'm 100 pounds
A cup boobs
Not a nice butt
Not a nice body

When I'm out, I feel like guys are always mean to me, people always say how mean girls are but it's the opposite for me. Girls are nice. Guys are cruel. One time I was at a party and these 2 guys were sitting down and I walked by them and they straight up called me ugly.. I never use to think I was ugly. This problem has started last year and evolved really bad. Last night I was out and this guy told me to go slide in a puddle and he was being serious like that's what I deserve to do. That's just two examples. Guys will say hi to all my friends and just skip over me. Mean stuff from guys happens every day. I'm in the "popular" crowd I hate saying that but I do want to explain my situation. I can't take this anymore I really need advice