questions? read description? I'm thinking of getting a ten gallon tank and want to know if that is a good size or not. I went to pet-co to look at it and one of the workers starting telling me how i need like a 30 gallon and some other expensive crap to take care of 4 goldfish, then he gave me a coupon for goldfish. Well the one i want is 10 gallons, comes with a filter and heater, and has a lighted hood. so basically my questions are these: 1 do i really need a 30 gallon tank or was this guy crazy and 2 what type of fish are good to put in a ten gallon and how many? is like 5 good or more or less?
P.S. I don't want goldfish so i don't know why this guy was talking about them and i made it clear i didn't want them but oh well
oh and one more thing: if there isn't a good kind of small fish I'm just going to put my betta in it since my betta is in a 1.5 gallon right now.