Basically, in my honors English class, we're having a "best sestina" contest. Just wondering what other people thought of it, any criticism (or compliments...xD) are totally welcome. Thanks for reading!
Wait, I have to write a sestina?
Oh, God.
You know, to some degree
this has to be an entirely pointless
way to write:
simply a piecemeal of words, all blended together. Over and over.

That said, someday this’ll all be over.
There is a reason I’m writing this sestina,
and I can’t promise that it’s because I love to write.
Don’t we have other things to do than put our words down on paper? Puzzle over God,
humanity, something! Something that’s…something. That no one could call pointless.
But, then again, we all need our college degree,

at least that’s what our parents tell us. “Get your degree,”
they say. As if everything would be over
before it began without one. Pointless
rambling, I tell you, pointless rambling. And rambling that this sestina
will not be devoted to. God,
can’t I stay on track for one second? Just long enough to write,

that’s all I ask. What’d I take this class for? I can’t write!
I’m gonna end up putting this up front, getting the third degree
from the “smart” kids in the front. You know. The ones with the God
complex? Meanwhile, here I’ll be, turning everything over,
upside down, backwards. But not in a sestina.
Come on, now. That’s just pointless.

“What’s pointless?”
you ask. “Well,” I say, “we all have things we can’t do. And I can’t write.
Especially not a sestina.”
Now that’s not to say math is my strength. Because it most certainly is not. I couldn’t tell you what one degree
of what angle was. With that…oh, what’s it called? That angle measure-y thing? Starts with a ‘p’? Can I get some help over
here, Honors English Students? Oh, right. Portcullis. And for that lovely piece of vocab help, may God

bless your soul. Not that God
needs to know which souls to bless, I suppose. In fact, that phrase seems a bit pointless.
But we need control over
something, right? Is that why people write,
maybe? Not to sound pretentious ,not to get their degree,
but to influence something for a second? Huh. Maybe this isn’t such a bad thing, this sestina.
God help me write.
Because, even though I can’t do it…to a degree, this isn’t as pointless as I thought.
Wait…did I just write a sestina? Is it over?
By the way, the Envoi isn't necessarily in the traditional word order, nor does it have to be. Sorry for the messed up spacing...

Also. If anyone can help me put together a title, that'd be fantastic, as well. Thanks!
Thank you for the constructive and appropriate feedback.