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  1. #11
    Bubba's Avatar
    Personally I don't admit to being a genius, but I am intelligent enough to understand that at some point in the near future everyone's taxes are going to be raised.

    Eventually the money that is being spent has to be payed back, with interest.

    It's a smoke and mirror trick. You get your 13 bucks a pay period and when before you know it, you are being taxed into the stone age.

    The tax man is coming and you can take that to the bank.

  2. #12
    His Divine Shadow
    His Divine Shadow's Avatar
    Because 2% of people will be paying higher taxes to give us our break - and that is wrong. Where I come from, it is considered immoral to support a policy that benefits one's self at the expense of other people. If I do get a tax break from Obama's economic plan, I will be donating 100% of it to the Republican party unless he extends his tax break to 100% of the American people instead of just the bottom 98%.

    Even worse, those 2% who are paying higher taxes are probably business owners or investors - they will pass that tax hike onto the customers and consumers, who are primarily that 98% of the people paying less taxes. So we will still be paying their taxes, just indirectly rather than directly.

    If Obama is going to give a tax break, he should give it across the board, to 100% of Americans, and just slash spending instead of enriching the Chinese balance sheet by borrowing more money from them to hand out to his friends at his weekly Wednesday night parties at the White House.

    By the way, you don't have to be a Republican to get this concept. I am not, and I understand it perfectly.

  3. #13
    marc2oni's Avatar
    its because TECHNICALLY it is a tax hike, for 2% of americans. they get you on that little technical stuff. if you say a lie loud enough it sounds like the truth. reps are idiots anyways and they have no power so why do we care anyways?

  4. #14
    LeRoy's Avatar
    You need to recheck your statistics . 98% is unrealistic.?

  5. #15
    Adam B
    Adam B's Avatar
    At a certain point you have to acknowledge that the Republicans are lying to you.

  6. #16
    obamasbro's Avatar
    dude,quickly get new meds...then, do your own research and you will understand. yikes,the country is full public school dumbbells....

  7. #17
    Nooner's Avatar
    I already am paying more taxes because he jacked up cigarette taxes. Once he let's the Bush tax cuts expire, I will experience a net increase in my taxes. His will cut subsidies to agriculture which will effectively increase the cost of food, less money in my pocket. Those top two percent pay something like 60% of the bill already. Regardless of how much you hate those evil rich bastards, I think they pay more than their fair share the way it is. I could go on, but I'm tired of Obama blowing sunshine up my butt telling me how much better off I am. He has a 3 trillion dollar budget planned and all I get is $13 a week, which will do nothing as explained above. Pardon me if I'm skeptical of his fiscal prowess.

  8. #18
    rthimble's Avatar
    Well when he starts taxing the power company more for carbon points who do you think will end up paying for that ? When he raises fuel prices again ,who will pay more for gas ? The trucking companies will get a big hike in fuel prices where do you think they will get the money to pay for it ? The grocery store pays more for trucking how do they pay for it ? It just goes on and on and all have the same answer ! We do every one of us that buy anything ! Of course Obama has it figured we are all stupid we won't know it is tax we will just blame the gas station, power company, grocery store , that is his form of transparency and personal responsibility . Hope that explains it !

  9. #19
    PARVFAN's Avatar
    It is what it is. You will see someone will pay because you will never get something, from the government, for nothing. Someone always has to pay. Peace

  10. #20
    cjhutch's Avatar
    My feeling is that they are trying to make sure people hear only the words "tax hike" and react negatively to the plan. It has worked for them so far, as is evidenced by any number of posts I see on YA.

    Or, in the words of GW Bush: "See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda."



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