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  1. #11
    PigPen's Avatar

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    Latest Tungsten Tx?

    T5? I never would have belived it. I was sure they'd start a new name, new design line etc. I haven't followed the rumours closely, but I am truely shocked now that they seem confirmed.
    I just feel PalmOne could do with a fresh start. With the problems of previous T's, (in fact all Tungstens) there will be a dent in the confidence of many potential customers. I just hope they get it right this time- get out a pda that WORKS from the word go. I fear this will not happen, especially with the new OS.

    I have three words for PalmOne, DIGITISER, DIGITISER, and DIGITISER. I'm yet to own a Palm that hasn't had serious digitiser problems, and until this is sorted, I am highly unlikely to get another Palm.

  2. #12

    Latest Tungsten Tx?

    I've never had one WITH a digitizer problem--I even had (briefly) a m105 that worked fine. I must have gotten half of the Palms you were supposed to get.

  3. #13

    Latest Tungsten Tx?

    Lol. I'm glad yours have all worked fine. Just curious- how long would you say you kept a single pda for? It was over a year before my iiic developed the problem, 6 months for the TT, and about 8 months for the T3....

  4. #14

    Latest Tungsten Tx?

    I'm with Telyx and can't understand this digitizer thing unless you're all using them as HAMMERS . . .

    M505 2 years, going strong, never a glitch or drift, replaced with T3 10 months ago (January).

    T3 has BETTER digitizer, NEVER goes out of whack (fine tune with "DIGI" about every 6 weeks for the hell of it). Never off even after numerous soft resets and 5 hard resets. Digi is only to "be sure."

    No friends that have digitizer problems with PALM - they were all irreparable crashes or screen problems with SONY. Total 5 now.

    I'm wondering if the UK doesn't get a "weird batch" of other imports dropped from somewhere weird to save freight? Although China ship everywhere . . . maybe you could get your NEXT one from a "U.S. Marketplace" -- or did you do that? The Digitizer thing is strange and the fact you've been stung often is really annoying to ME - God knows how P.O.'d you are!!

    Hang in ther buddy . . .

  5. #15

    Latest Tungsten Tx?


    It's not just England. I've had a III, IIIxe, IIIc, and a 515. The digitizer problems progressed from occasional with the III to outright unuseable with the 515, even after 3 replacements. OTOH, I had Visor Prism that my daughter-in-law still uses on a daily basis and my current machine is a Clie T665. Neither of these machines has ever had a digitizer problem. I know that Palm uses screens from at least three different sources and some of the screens obviously have much worse digitizers than others. It's apparent that luck must play a role since you and other people have had no digitizer problems and people like me iiic have had many problems. Just try a Google groups search with digitizer as the keyword. You'll get almost 3,000 hits. Programs like ReDigi and DigiFix would never have been written if this problem was trivial and only affected a small number of people. When my T665 gives up the ghost, I'll have to decide what I should buy as a replacement. The digitizer problems I've had with Palm brand machines will play role in my final decision.

  6. #16

    Latest Tungsten Tx?

    In fact, I have put it off, but the problem is not going to get better, so I think i'll have to have it replaced before the warranty ends. I'm curious though, as I have never returned a PDA, how to go about it. Do I contact www.expansys.co.uk where I bought it, or do I contact Palm straight off? I presume it's Palm, but I don't know as I've never done it before. I had a Sony MiniDisc which broke once and I contacted Sony, but they told me to go to the place I bought it from.....
    The other thing is, is it going to cost me money, and if so, does anyone know how much (?'s)?
    My T3 is currently being used very little (except for ebooks) as this problem frustrates me so. I'm less than happy at the thought of having a refurbished product for a replacement, but in the end it has to be better than an unused T3 that I bought new.

  7. #17

    Latest Tungsten Tx?

    Contact the vendor first, and if they don't want to deal with it, contact Palm. I'm on my third T3 due to the digitizer problem. I feel your pain

  8. #18

    Latest Tungsten Tx?

    Thanks ryber I'll go write to expansys. Did you have to pay?

  9. #19

    Latest Tungsten Tx?

    I bought mine from CompUSA. The first one I returned to CompUSA's store, and was given a new T3. I was told then that they only do returns online, but they made an exception. When I returned that one, I did their online return. I didn't have to pay anything. It will depend upon the vendor as to whether you have to pay anything for it or not. I'm not sure how it works with PalmOne's warranty work.

  10. #20

    Latest Tungsten Tx?

    I checked it out at Expansys's site, and apparantly after 21 days, you have to contact Palm So I've got the number to ring anyway! Just have to work up the enthusiasm to dial...



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