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Thread: Agendus v9 Beta

  1. #21

    Agendus v9 Beta

    I'm with you, Captain D. 8.06 it is!!

    When you "raised the stack" for Java (bear in mind I don't use it so I'm stabbing in the dark here) - and it didn't stick --

    Are you raising the "requested stack memory" from the system? If you are, TealMover allows you to do that AND IT STAYS - becomes permanetnly imbedded in the app and then backs up to the backup folder (make a folder in "Archive" for "AppName+StkBoost").

    While you're at it, boost Agendus from 3300 to 6,000 (it will require you say "yes" to creating a file for it -- just say yes!)

    I notice that the DEFAULT on most apps is 3300, Tealpoint apps are written at 4096, and I boosted Agendus & MobilDB4 to 6,000, upped AcidImage a little, and boosted Bonsai to 4096. Smooth as silk especially when opening DA's up while that app's working. I would imagine the Java would get a benefit, too.

    You don't want to go hog wild and "up" everything - just those apps that are little more "intense" or might be used while a desktop accessory is running - shields them from "brain cramp" a little. Thought it might help you with the "java no stickie" problem.

  2. #22

    Agendus v9 Beta

    Thanks for the tip. I'll have to try Teal Mover and see how it works.

  3. #23

    Agendus v9 Beta

    Build 469 was released today.

  4. #24

    Agendus v9 Beta

    Just released is build 470 in English version only at the moment. Localized will be released shortly for other languages.

  5. #25

    Agendus v9 Beta

    Fixes over the previous build:

    - crash when going to hierarchy view for some users, additional checks added as needed for the completion status filtering
    - crash when attempting to attach a particular JPG photo
    - for consistency "Photo Display" in the Show Options dialog changed to Show Photos
    - using Power Search to search for only memos failed
    - text in Power Search dialog changed from "Include" to "Include Only" for better clarity
    - added NEW MEMO to the tap and hold popup dialog in contact view
    - added New Memo to the menu in to do, call and meeting dialogs (menu option not yet working, will fix soon)
    - French localization: preference popup menu had Memo item missing
    - Spanish localization: some text is off the left side of the screen in the Preferences > Meetings screen
    - Spanish localization: improved translation for Roll-Over

  6. #26

    Agendus v9 Beta

    Dwinget posted the above on December 2nd - build 470.

    On December 3rd the final was "released," and it was build 473.
    Curious to me how they did 3 builds in one day after taking about 2 weeks per build beforehand. I checked my "account info" page, listing the 4 Iambic products I've paid for . . . . and sure enough I'm being charged $9.95 for the upgrade.

    Also bear in mind that this is now a 1.4MB application.
    1.4MB. For a calendar. The total combined size of:

    AcidImage Pro, TealDoc, Kinoma, and MobileDB4!!

    And it'll still have bugs, probably still with alarms . . . and it'll cost you $9.95. They've "added stuff," some of which is cool and I'd use . . . but have they fixed the old problems and what new ones lie ahead?

    Send in your $9.95 and find out, I guess. If everything's fixed and the new features work (I've studied the screenshots and they're impressive,) then Mooseman has a point . . . they've earned it. I just have to decide if ANOTHER 50% JUMP IN SIZE is worth it for a free-time grid and TinyChart (which I already am used to being a registered TinySheet user). The photos in memopad thing and the "matrix" don't do much for me as contact photo linking at least in 8.06 took up 62k for one LINK - even though the original jpeg in the DCIM folder was only 28k!!

    What should have been done is a simple "link" to AcidImage or the viewer of your choice. I've done a lot of "tweaking" in my 8.06 version in the last week, and I must say it is a FANTASTIC program - but so are a lot of others and they don't "weigh" one and a half meg. This has to be one of the very largest Palm apps ever written at this point. And it's still a CALENDAR. Tough call for me.



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