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  1. #1

    T3 Digitizer Problem & PalmOne Customer Service Horror Story!

    For the past several months, my T3 was experiencing digitizer problems only when I opened/stretched the display. Whenver I touched the stylus to the screen, it was off by 1/8" to 1/4". And, when I tried to recalibrate, I would be unable to select the center of the "target." I often had to do a soft reset which would resolve the matter when the screen was not stretched; however, once stretched, the problem occurred again. Even after a hard reset.

    Anyway, after reading several posts in this forum concerning the same apparent problem, it seemed that the only resolution was getting my T3 repaired or replaced. I really didn't want to do this, but the digitizer problem was annoying and I didn't want it to get worse.

    Well, I called PalmOne customer service, and, after 30-minutes on hold, the call was disconnected. I tried again; same thing. This happened something like 4-times, and, just when I was going to give up, I finally got a service rep on the phone. I could tell by the bad connection that the service rep was overseas, likely India, and it was difficult trying to get the rep to understand my problem. After trying several suggestions made by the rep to correct the problem (this was 25 to 30-minutes on the phone), the rep began to make a service repair order when the line disconnected.

    To say I was annoyed was an understatement, but I called again, was placed on hold for 20 additional minutes, and a another rep came on the line. It took another good 15-minutes or so to explain the problem, as well as letting the rep know that I just called and was disconnected, but she still insisted that I try different things with the T3 to correct the problem. Finally, she agreed to set up a service repair order (I didn't get disconnected this time) and said I would receive an email with the necessary directions to get my T3 repaired.

    Later, I got an email providing me with the Service Request Order (SRO) number and instructions to mail in my T3 to a repair center in Laredo, TX. The instructions included a website URL where I could check the status of my T3's repair, and the revelation that I would have to provide the packing materials as well as pay for shipping and insurance. Anyway, I mailed my T3 off (I paid extra to track it online), and was gratified when it arrived at the repair center in 1-day.

    Well, after the T3 was at the repair center for nearly 2-days, I checked the website URL; it didn't work. I then accessed PalmOne's website and was able to find my order via the Service section. It indicated that my T3 was replaced and was on its way back. It provided a DHL tracking number as well.

    When I received my T3 (and I was aware that, likely, my T3 was replaced by a reconditioned unit), I found that the replacement's case was scratched, dented, and stained; one screw was missing from the back. It seemed to work, even with the screen stretched open; however, the color seemed washed out. I then noticed that the T3 I received was an early generation unit, and the screen was not as bright (later models, like the T3 I sent in for repair, have four orange lights that can be seen at the inner edge of the slide when the screen is stretched; this reconditioned model did not have them).

    I was upset, but I calmed down enough to call PalmOne customer service to complain. After two attempts to get through (placed on hold for over 20-minutes each time, and then the call was disconnected), I reached a rep who, to his credit, immediately agreed to replace the T3 in my possession. This time, however, they would send the replacement to me, and, upon receipt, I'm to send the one currently in my possession back to them. And, lo and behold, they'll be providing the packing material and they'll pay for shipment.

    This has been a nightmare. I should be getting the replacement by Tuesday of next week. I don't know what I'll do if I get another substandard unit, but I'm certainly going to be writing PalmOne a nastygram once this is resolved (it'll likely fall on deaf ears, but it'll make me feel better).

    Sorry for this lengthy dissertation, but I had to vent! Has anyone else experienced such bad service from PalmOne?

  2. #2
    Saijo's Avatar

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    T3 Digitizer Problem & PalmOne Customer Service Horror Story!

    That's why I decided to upgrade my messed up T|3 with the TapWave Zodiac2. I could've had the digitizer screen replaced but, like you, I didn't want to go through the hell that P1's customer service puts one through.

    It made the decision to leave the P1 family even easier when they released the lackluster (to me) T|5.

    I'm glad that your issue was solved eventually, and I wish you much success with your latest T|3 unit.

  3. #3
    Aerij's Avatar

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    T3 Digitizer Problem & PalmOne Customer Service Horror Story!

    I fyou check my postys in teh search engine you'll find that eh staff were very good with me and no disonnecvts. Never the less it took SEVERAL months to get my T3 bacjk and many phone calls at that time. If the dogotizer goes again I just may shoot myself

  4. #4

    T3 Digitizer Problem & PalmOne Customer Service Horror Story!

    I haven't had any phone technical support encounters...yet...but I did go through the same type of headache with PalmOne email support. You wouldn't believe how many times I was told to soft reset and then hard reset to solve my T|2's buzzing screen problem. Everytime I would respond to their emails, stating that not only will a soft/hard reset NOT solve the problem, but I already perform multiple soft resets per day, and I had just recently performed two hard resets in the past two weeks. I had also listed all the apps that I am running/have installed, which clearly indicates that I'm more of a power user than someone simply using my Palm to keep up with some addresses and appointments. They didn't care -- every single response would VERY slightly address my additional concerns, and then it would immediately return to, "We advise performing a soft reset....hard reset....blah blah blah."

    They made the mistake of sending me a feedback survey on their service -- I can assure you that I blistered them. I think that all of their technical support team must use PocketPCs, because they sure do not know much about Palms.

    I would've been furious to receive a refurbished Palm. That's completely unacceptable when your Palm is still under warranty. I can see if they have that policy when you're not under the warranty, but not if it's still covered.

    I better never end up having to return my Palm for service...it will be very ugly.

  5. #5

    T3 Digitizer Problem & PalmOne Customer Service Horror Story!

    Just wondering- are we talking about US support here, or are you in another country? I had an excellent experience with the Tech Help in UK just a couple of weeks back. I posted about it since then. My digitiser was off, it got sent off, returned after 7 working days working perfectly...AND it was my own Palm. Very helpful of the phone too.
    I'm sorry to hear your experience was so bad

  6. #6

    T3 Digitizer Problem & PalmOne Customer Service Horror Story!

    Yes, USA support, or, rather USA support by people apparently located in India. Don't get me wrong, the support people were very nice despite my admittedly less than content demeanor when I spoke with them (keep in mind the many times I was disconnected - *that* was frustrating!); however, it was difficult getting them to understand my T3's problem. And, of course, getting the dented, etc., replacement just about caused my head to explode. In any event, I'm still waiting for the replacement for the replacement. Supposedly it'll be here this evening or tomorrow. The suspense builds!

  7. #7

    T3 Digitizer Problem & PalmOne Customer Service Horror Story!

    I also had the digitizer problem. Called Palm Support (US), told them what my problem was and what I had done to try to correct it. Rep started repair order without delay. I asked for the Advanced Exchange and after being advised of the cost completed the order.

    The unit was ready for pick up by DHL within 12 hours but for some reason they delayed picking it up for two days. Not sure why that was but I had the replacement in 5 days(DHL doesn't deliver that type of package on weekends). Unit has worked without a problem since then.

    While support wasn't as good as when I had a problem with my Vx, it got the job done.

  8. #8
    mrwynd's Avatar

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    T3 Digitizer Problem & PalmOne Customer Service Horror Story!

    Interesting... I wasn't given an option for an Advanced Exchange when I first called; I was only given a repair option as well as being told that the T3 would be replaced if they could not repair it. I only received the Advanced Exchange option when I complained about the less-than-acceptable refurbished T3 I received.

    Of interest: Following PalmOne's instructions, my original T3 was sent to Laredo, TX, for repair (and I received the refurbished T3 from the same place). The T3 replacement that's on it's way to me now (via the Advanced Exchange) is coming from Wilington, OH. I'm assuming that this replacement will likely be a new unit (I hope!).

    Anyway, I'm glad you fared better than I did. Hopefully, all of the above will be a lesson learned for everyone else. If your Palm PDA starts to malfunction and it's still under warranty, ask for an Advanced Exchange in lieu of repair!

  9. #9
    CRP's Avatar

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    T3 Digitizer Problem & PalmOne Customer Service Horror Story!

    I sent in a badly malfunctioning T2 for the second time (digitizer was worst issue) via Advance Exchange- got back a dented (top, near SD card), scratched (two spots on side) unit. However, kept the refurb unit: screen was bright, and functioned mechanically & electronically like new, and I didn't want to go through the hassles described by others, above, again. Morale: you have to keep after them...not the way it should be, but just the way it is with PalmOne.

  10. #10

    T3 Digitizer Problem & PalmOne Customer Service Horror Story!

    Well, I was supposed to get my replacement T3 today for the piece of crap refurbished T3 that P1 originally sent me... Guess what? No T3. (I really shouldn't be surprised, but DAMNED!)

    According to the Service Order Request, I was supposed to get it no later than today. Since I didn't get it, I checked the DHL shipping tracking number and found that there was no updated status since it was initially created late last week. I called DHL where I was told, "there's no status because it was never picked up. The shipper didn't provide it to us."

    I called P1 where they "escalated" the matter with the end result being, "Call us in 3-days if you don't get it." I very nearly lost it (I realize it's not the service rep's fault) and asked if P1 would do anything for me to compensate for the lost time and inconvenience. The answer, essentially, was, "call us in 3-days if you don't get it." In other words, no.

    So I get to wait and fume some more. Egads I'm pissed.



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