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  1. #1

    TMNT Talkback: Episode 4.10 "Aliens Among Us" (Spoilers)

    "Aliens Among Us"

    Written by Christopher Yost


    It looks as if Agent Bishop might find himself out of a job or at least out of funding. When the President is in New York City, the Turtles are out watching the motorcade when they find themselves right in the middle of a new alien invasion! What the shell?!


    Nobody made the talkback earlier, so I hope this is good enough for whoever wants to discuss the episode.

  2. #2
    Avian's Avatar

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    Sep 2009

    TMNT Talkback: Episode 4.10 "Aliens Among Us" (Spoilers)

    Have to wait till I get home. I hate my VCR horrible picture. Oh well at least I still have this episode despite the quality.

  3. #3

    TMNT Talkback: Episode 4.10 "Aliens Among Us" (Spoilers)

    I knew he was older than he looks.

  4. #4

    TMNT Talkback: Episode 4.10 "Aliens Among Us" (Spoilers)

    I thought it was kinda neat having the Wanted Poster Turtles all have red masks.

  5. #5

    TMNT Talkback: Episode 4.10 "Aliens Among Us" (Spoilers)

    Yup like the ones they use on the comics, looks like the episode "Bad Day" it's going to come true for the turtles anytime soon.

  6. #6
    _elf_'s Avatar

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    Sep 2009

    TMNT Talkback: Episode 4.10 "Aliens Among Us" (Spoilers)

    So now everyone thinks the Turtles are aliens and they're wanted? Well, at least no one knows where the boys live...yet.

    And it looks like next weeks episode might finally address Leo's recent attitude in a fully episodic manner.

  7. #7

    TMNT Talkback: Episode 4.10 "Aliens Among Us" (Spoilers)

    Solid episode. The show shines when it wants to.

    Gotta wonder though....would the Turtles have gone to all that trouble if the President was George W. Bush?

    So...any guesses on Bishop? Clone Body? Youth Serum? Oil of Olay?

  8. #8

    TMNT Talkback: Episode 4.10 "Aliens Among Us" (Spoilers)

    If Bishop turns out to be an alien or monster I'm going to scream. They already turned Shredder into an alien, can't Bishop just be human who tampered with his own DNA to give him increased strength and agility? His skin starting to burst has gotten me a bit worried.

    Otherwise this episode was fairly average. I may have liked it better but the last 5 episodes in a row were all excellent episodes, so it made this one look slightly worse. 5 excellent episodes and one average episode in a row is a pretty good track record, too bad the opener and "Sons of the Silent age" were mediocre.

    So are we led to believe that those aliens are dead? If so harsh, Bishop using alien lifeforms for his own benefit and making them go on a suicide mission against the Turtles.

    Lots of cliche's in this episode, and some of the dialouge between the Turtles is getting a little grating. God bless Donatello, he has the less cheesy lines that Raph/Mike spout at each other, and doesn't have Leo's angst. Now if only they could give Donny some more solo episodes... :sweat:

    Anyone find it amusing how Bishop just pushes Mikey aside when he jumps out of the van? The TMNT just stand there as Bishop walks out. I also didn't like it how Raph so easily knocked Bishop down that chute in the spaceship. They made up for it by showing Bishop again at the end, but jeez, why do bad guys always have such terrible aim with their weapons? Lasers firing all over the place and the TMNT casually run away without getting hit.

    Also liked the Triceraton in Area 51 that Bishop has captured....foreshadowing that Volume 2 of the comic series will be adapted?

    3 stars overall, maybe if the last 5 or so episodes weren't as great as they were I may have liked this one better. It's harsh competing against yourself.

  9. #9

    TMNT Talkback: Episode 4.10 "Aliens Among Us" (Spoilers)

    The episode came out better than I expected. The Area 51 bit in the intro made me think this will be corny but I was proven wrong. I don't think Bishop is an alien himself, but enhanced himself with alien DNA/technology to extend his life or something. At least, I hope he isn't an alien himself:sweat:

    And I thought the "fake" aliens were actually those Bishop clones who had cosmetic changes by Stockman? Or did I misinterpret the conversation those two had in the beginning?

    Speaking of Stockman, he's in a new suit. You know, I've noticed this since they've changed the opening animation, and I think others have noticed this too: Stockman's newest look is VERY reminiscent to SAINW Shredder's exosuit. This is in another of a long list of details that the show never seems to forget and makes me appreciate it even more.

    Is it just me (or my bias playing), but has Don steadily growing into a more prominant role this season? For a lot of episodes, he's either been integral to moving the plot along yet able to not hog the spotlight (that's Leo's job ), or had a strong reaction to events (ie: Bad Day, People's Choice). Maybe they're playing up to the season 4 preview montage where [SPOILER]we see him turning into a monster?[/SPOILER]

    And I had to agree with Raph. It's fun to watch them aliens pop:evil:

    EDIT: Anyone think the slime running down the drain in the end will play a role in the future? Considering how the series keeps tabs on continuity, I wouldn't be surprised if they did...

  10. #10

    TMNT Talkback: Episode 4.10 "Aliens Among Us" (Spoilers)

    I think that's going to probably cause people to mutate and change to make the turtles trip to the future possible and maybe have a cause to why they end up thier in TMNT fast forward.



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