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  1. #11

    "The Drawn Together Movie: The Movie" DVD Talkback (Spoilers)

    I disagree. The entire movie was a criticism of Drawn Together's critics who describe the show as "South Park without a point". The creators were saying that not all crude humor needs to come with social commentary to be qualitative. As long as it's cleverly done and you have an open mind (i.e. not prudish), it's fine to be crude just for the humor of it all. Which is all Drawn Together ever tried to achieve: clever crude, over-the-top humor with a dab of satire on animation. Nothing wrong with that.

    Yeah, there was a bit of South Park slandering ("relentlessly preachy", the SP-esque music while Taint Girl explains the messages), but I doubt that was their true target. I did love the irony that with those blathering around about "having a point", this is the first Drawn Together that really did have a point!

    As for the actual movie itself, it was fun. It was surprising to see... [spoiler]...the deaths of Wooldoor and Clara, not to mention the Jew Producer, though apparently they all die in the very end...[/spoiler] ...so maybe the creators weren't aiming to get the series back on the air. (the end scene sort of confirms that) As an epilogue, it works fine, though I wouldn't have had shoehorned the Captain Hero/Molly plot in just for something for Xander and Ling Ling to do if this really is the end, yet it provided some laughs. (loved the "superheroes Molly's been with before" montage) The thinly-veiled ISRAEL "remarks" were cute for a good laugh, especially putting the overall message of the movie in context.

    I also liked the fact that it never dragged, it was concise and to the point with the plot, and looking at some other recent direct-to-DVD TV adaptations (Futurama "Bender's Game", anyone?), that was a godsend. A fun, goofy, final outing with the Drawn Together gang. What more could you want?

    Also, a note: maybe, maybe it will air on the Secret Stash a year or so from now, but I doubt it. This thing sometimes goes into near full-on toon pornography, so I'm going to recommend that if you want to see it, you're going to have to buy the DVD. Just don't hold your breath, just saying.

  2. #12

    "The Drawn Together Movie: The Movie" DVD Talkback (Spoilers)

    I felt a little underwhelmed by this movie, It felt like something was missing. I'm starting to think it was the absence of the original writers of the TV show. Only Jeser & Silverstein wrote the film, I felt like Captain Hero didn't get enough screen time and it felt like they had watered down his character slightly, on the TV show, they developed Hero into an emotional rollercoaster and some sort of psycho who could go from happy to angry in seconds. Here, they were just playing him very jolly all throughout.

    And where did the sudden Xandir loves Hero plotline come from? Correct me If I'm wrong but Xandir never had any interest in him on the TV show.

    Overall, I enjoyed it, I just noticed how much the writers room must've been helping these guys on the TV show.

  3. #13

    "The Drawn Together Movie: The Movie" DVD Talkback (Spoilers)

    I'm not expecting too much from this movie. I'm just going to buy it and laugh my head off and/or be grossed out in disbelief.

  4. #14

    "The Drawn Together Movie: The Movie" DVD Talkback (Spoilers)

    Well, he still has his necrophilia and he was prone to going from happy-go-lucky to a crying wreck, so I think his character stayed relatively intact. And I think you should be lucky, compared to Xander, Ling-Ling and Spanky, Hero's practically a leading role. I mean he has his own subplot.

    I forgot to mention I really liked the commentary scene, which is true especially considering how godawful and meandering the ones on the DT DVD sets really are.

  5. #15

    "The Drawn Together Movie: The Movie" DVD Talkback (Spoilers)

    Peter J Nehra I just watched Drawn together : the movie brilliant!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. #16

    "The Drawn Together Movie: The Movie" DVD Talkback (Spoilers)

    The 3D isn't very impressive. I used my glasses from my Friday the 13th Part 3 in 3D Deluxe Edition. Overall, I thought the writing was on par with the series as a whole. The flash animation was only irritating in a few scenes, but otherwise was much better than I'd expected. The jabs at South Park were pretty tame, and kinda silly considering the stuff that actually replaced Drawn Together was far lamer. Loved Vernon Wells' cameo as the Network Head, and the inside joke reference to the Patricia Heaton/Drawn Together billboard incident. Overall, a very fast-paced 70 minutes that definitely left me wanting more.

  7. #17

    "The Drawn Together Movie: The Movie" DVD Talkback (Spoilers)

    Wait...you're joking, right? I mean, that really isn't actual 3D, it's a joke.


  8. #18

    "The Drawn Together Movie: The Movie" DVD Talkback (Spoilers)

    Nope, not a joke. There really are 3D scenes in the movie. You have the option of watching it either in standard 2D or with the 3D scenes in the menu. Two pairs of 3D glasses were originally going to be packaged with the DVD, but Comedy Central cheaped out at the last minute because they didn't think anyone would buy the movie if it were $20 (which was how much it would've been if the 3D glasses had been included). The 3D's really in there. You just gotta provide your own glasses.



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