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  1. #1
    UJJ's Avatar

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    Sep 2009

    Any stereotypes that bug you and why?

    First off, please don't list and explain your choices. Also, I know stereotypes have always been around and probably will be.

    Anyway, I really wanted to get this out since it's really been bugging me for awhile:

    I hate how Goth kids are protrayed in modern animation.

    No seriously, it's annoying. I wouldn't label myself as Goth (I do shop at Hot Topic though), but I can appriciate it and enjoy the style. A fairly large amount of my classmates at school are Gothic and they act nothing like how the Goth kids on TV act. They are actually - gasp - nice people and rarely (if ever!) angst.

    Meanwhile, on shows the Goths are always shoving it down your throat how "different" and "dark" they are and angst how non-Goths totally suck. For example:

    The Goth kids from South Park
    Gwen (of the Total Drama series)
    Sam Manson and a whole group of them from the Control Freaks episode(Danny Phantom)
    Vanessa Doofenschmirtz and her friends (Phineas and Ferb)

    Now, I am aware some Goths (in real life) are genuinely depressed or for numerous reasons. However, not all of them are like that and some simply enjoy the style. You can still be happy and wear the style.

    So that's all I have to say. Any stereotypes you hate?

  2. #2
    Aok706's Avatar

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    Sep 2009

    Any stereotypes that bug you and why?

    Boy, I’m just not sure what you’re looking for here.

    Anyhow, I thought the Goths from South Park had a really good episode where they got to shine. By taking on vampire kids they explained themselves well enough.

    And Lydia from Beetlejuice, the earliest cartoon goth kid I can think of, was pretty sweet.

  3. #3
    tomslik's Avatar
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    Any stereotypes that bug you and why?

    Basically, any stereotypes that bother you and why.

    For example, a show has a black character (or more) that are shown as urban rather than ignoring the stereotype and making them their own person.

  4. #4
    ParkO's Avatar

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    Sep 2009

    Any stereotypes that bug you and why?

    I'd have to disagree with Gwen. I mean some of the sterotype is present, but she can be pretty cheerful for a cartoon Goth. Heck even Sam isn't a total downer.

  5. #5

    Any stereotypes that bug you and why?

    I'm pretty sure that explaining your choices is kind of a requirement at rabroad. List threads are not allowed.

    Hmm, some of my favorite characters listed there.

  6. #6

    Any stereotypes that bug you and why?

    I agree. Even though she kind of looked like a typical stereotype of a Goth person, she didn't really act the stereotype. She was pretty positive towards most of the other characters throughout Total Drama Island at least. I think Sam might be more like the Goth stereotype than Gwen, but I think that was because she showed a dominant preference for black and dark things early on in the series.

  7. #7

    Any stereotypes that bug you and why?

    I think Gwen was a mix of a loner and goth. In an trailer floating on the www, originally known as "Camp TV" who was a "pilot episode" of Total Drama Island. Gwen was only a loner, I guess they keep a part of her character for the final version.

  8. #8

    Any stereotypes that bug you and why?

    One stereotype that has always bothered me in cartoons is that in shows based around a family the mother always seems to be the mature caretaker and the father always seems to either be always working, careless and forgetful, stupid or uninterested in being a parental figure (Homer, Peter, the guy from American Dad). It reminds me of the 40's or 50's where the father was a diciplinary figure and the mother was more or less the nurturer (sp?), I guess it works because all of those shows I mentioned are successful, but just once would I like to see a television show where the mother plays the idiot and the father plays the parental role. I'm sure there are some shows out there, The Oblongs comes to mind, but I would still like to see more male parental roles in cartoons.

    I guess it's kind of a stupid gripe, but it's just an observation that I thought I should bring up and see if anyone agrees with me. Anyone?

  9. #9

    Any stereotypes that bug you and why?

    I dislike how on TV, how kids with above average intelligence are typically portrayed as being socially awkward and unpopular. There are some brainy kids who have friends and a social life.

    I dislike how black kids are often portrayed as being stereotypically streetwise and urban, rather than being articulate and cultured.

    I dislike how girls are often portrayed as being smart, supremely capable and competent, while boys in the same position will be portrayed as lazy, shiftless and/or incompetent.

    On family centric shows, I get kind of tired of the stereotype of the perfect sensible mother and the goofy, immature father. I don't have a problem with crazy dumb dads most of the time, provided that it's not overdone, but just once, I'd like to see a dumb crazy mom once for a change.

    The stereotype of the kid whose family is so obscenely rich that they make Bill Gates look like he's homeless, and yet he/she attends public school. That never made sense to me.

    The stereotype of the "good" girl falling for the "bad" boy. It's just such a clich?.

    The stereotype that working mothers spend every minute of the day working and are typically too busy to spend any time with their families. It is possible to balance a job and a family.

    The stereotype that only white males can be heroes, while blacks, Asians, Latinos, Indians, etc. are relegated to being sidekicks or 2nd bananas. I'd like to see more shows in which the non-white character is the hero/heroine and his/her sidekick is Caucasian (even though 1 case does come to mind, Static Shock and his sidekick, Richie--Frieda in the comics).

  10. #10

    Any stereotypes that bug you and why?

    Vanessa on "Phineas and Ferb" is a Goth? Since when?



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