Some cartoion stories have gags or plots that o to extremes in something, then go to ridiculousness in nature. Here are some examples:

Dudley Do-Right- "Railroad Tracks"
Snidely's addiction to strapping women to train tracks goes out of hand when he ties up women, then a man, then Nell, then Inspector Fenwick, then Horse, then himself.

American Dad - "Homeland Insecurity"
After Stan jails Muslims whom he believes are terrorists, he then jails his neighbors for attempting to break them out, combined with the city's power going out (caused by Steve and Roger). When the police find Stan's CIA jacket (that Roger was wearing), Stan believes he was brainwashed into causing the power outage, so he LOCKS HIMSELF UP AND TORTURES HIMSELF to get information.

Pepper Ann - "Old Best Friend"
At the end, when P.A.'s annoying old friend Brenda makes new friends, she tearfully imagines all the annoying things they've done as friendly activities. Then she starts imagining stuff that never even happened. Her friends call this ridiculous then break the fourth wall and walk out of the scene.

Any more?