I have some concerns with my baby girl development and I really like to hear your opinions.
First of all we are 8 1/2 months old and she grows up nicely.Lately (before 2-3 weeks) we saw her doing an arm movement repeatedly for about 7-8 times. She moved the arm in front not upward.Then after some hour again for 4-5 times.
The next days did the same but no something that it was noticeable. The whole weekend did nothing. And suddenly today again for 3-4 times with the other arm.If we hold her arm then it will stop.
Some other strange thing is that when she is tired, she laughs a little bit for no reason while her eyes are a little bit sleepy. During this time she will arch her back so much that she will lay down an our hands, she will smile to us, she will return to normal position an all again from the beginning.
When we feed her with bottle, she turns all the time her head on one side.
Final the last month she has a strange sleep position. She arches her back while she is in her side, so much that the head is as much up as she can. She will stay there for a while and then she will return on her back and then again the same.
I will have to notice some things that will help you, to help me, with your opinion.
She has excellent eye contact.
She smiles from the second month.
She understands us when we ask "where is this" - "where is that" and she returns to see the object we name. She knows over 20-30 different objects and people.
She returns when we call her "Baby girl" or by her name.
She says "ma" "ma-ma" "yeah" and bubbling all the time, almost.
She is teething.
She sits unsupported.
She stands with support from us.

I am concerned a lot, although the pediatrist says it is probably nothing. He says that her nerves system is immature.
Are they signs to something abnormal? Any opinion will be deeply appreciated!