Okay, about a month ago I was doing splits at track and all of a sudden I heard a pop from my left leg. Usually, my hip bone cracks all the time so I didn;t think anything of it. But when I got up to walk, I noticed that my leg felt a little weird. Later throughout the day, the back of my thigh felt really tight. When I stood on one leg and leaned over, the right one was fine and the left one hurt really bad. I can usually lift my leg up all the way over my head. Now, I can only lift my right one over my head and the other one starts to hurt before I even get close. When I do a "high kick" with my left leg, the back of my leg all of a sudden has sharp pain and it hurts to walk for a minute or so after. Do you think this is a strain? I really have no idea but it's been a month now, so it's getting a bit frustrating...