I am looking for an mmo to play until SWTOR comes out. FFXIV is the only one I haven't tried that I would even be remotely interested in. I played WoW since January 05 and I am absolutely sick of it. I played Rift, got a character to 50, realized it was an almost complete WoW clone, and quit. I have also played just about every other mmo in existence that is worth a snot, so FFXIV is about the only one left. I have been putting this game off, despite the fac that i am a huge FF fan, because I have been waiting for the game to get patched up so its actually worth playing. I hear that with this new 1.19 patch, it is actually going to be release ready. My question is, does the game come with a free month on purchase? Most mmos do but Square are very greedy bastards as of late. I couldn't see anything on the pictures of the games box on Amazon so I am wondering.