I have a Yamaha piano and it has a Disklavier (Mark III). The church I go to has the same piano and Disklavier model too. However, when I create a MIDI file using Finale PrintMusic, the MIDI is able to work on my Disklavier but not on my church's Disklavier. But, when the choir director sends me a MIDI file, it works on both my Disklavier and the church's Disklavier. Does anyone know why the MIDI I made works on my piano and not my church's?

p.s. When I say "work" I mean that the Disklavier is able to read the data and play the piano keys (like a player piano). So to "not work" is when my church's Disklavier plays the data as an audio. If it helps, I use a floppy disk to store the data but I don't think that's the problem. I checked them and the floppy disks are both SMF formatted. As far as the actual songs go, I checked their properties and they're the same.

Sorry if this is in the wrong category. I wasn't really sure where to put music related computer software...