I've always considered myself to be straight. I've only ever liked guys, wanted to be with guys, could only ever see myself having a relationship with a male, etc. But there's a girl who I've known for awhile who I've started to have a thing for lately.

I actually LIKE her, and I am very rarely attracted to people. She's not pretty (and I don't mean this to be rude); I feel like I'm just strongly emotionally attracted to her. I can't really imagine having sexual relations with her, or any female for that matter, and the thought is .... not necessarily off-putting, just not desirable at all. We are so alike. We both have the same sense of humor and are constantly going back and forth, we both have the same interests, are very motivated & career-oriented, etc. My sister has seen her and I interact on multiple occasions and keeps mentioning how great of a couple we'd be. I was talking to my family about something she did, something about her, I can't exactly remember, and my mom said it sounded like we would be a perfect couple. My friends keep saying that if we had the same classes, we'd be best friends, no doubt. I just feel like I want more than that with her, though.

She's 16, never had a boyfriend, has said she never wants to get married, never wants kids. She is perverted & comes off as very masculine. We constantly make lesbian jokes back and forth with one another (but she does this with other people too, as do I, as do many people). She's one of those types you could never see being in a relationship or dating someone. I remember someone asked her about if she thinks about having a relationship and her response was "Don't give a s**t." I've always been the exact same way until now.

I'm just so confused. :/ I've only ever thought about being with guys and am turned on by males very much, not females. I don't know if this is a phase or what but I'm freaking myself out over it. Sorry for writing the novel up there.