Plz help I can't talk with anyone? Me & this man meet while I was overseas I usually go over there ever year. We didn't talk we just saw each other; I never gave him a chance to talk with me as I come from a strict family. Please don't laugh. (But I have never had a boyfriend and I am 24) but everyone tells me that I am very beautiful he is 26 & very handsome and sweet. So after I left there he got in touch with me over facebook through a friend that we both know well & we started talking. As the months went by we started liking each other a lot & even agreed that we would hang out once I am back there again since I will be going there in a few months time. Sometimes he has doubts that I will forget him and go with someone else. Since his been cheated on in the past but I said that I would never do that to him. Anyways sometimes we fight over silly things but no matter how many times we fight we always come back together. And I don't know why but lately he has been showing so much respect for me. He was always nice to me before but now it's like more real between us like its more than us a friendship it's like he can take me serious & just a few days ago I asked if he wanted anything from here & he asked for something so small and I was really happy that he did and he even offered to pay for it and give the money to my cousin since my cousin is going there but I refused to take his money and said that it was a gift and I even added a little teddy bear so he could think of me. My question is why is he acting this way now? He even calls me more now just to see how I am? and comes online just to see how I am? what is happing? he even says he wants me to be his wife someday and we both just laugh about it his been saying that since day 1 but now he just says it more. why is he acting this way