I need to figure this out. I've been dreaming of my ex boyfriend once a month. I have written each dream down, and they seem to be me trying to, in some way show him to be a loving and passionate person. (Which he was not) He was a very angry person. I think half of that was due to the military, but half of that is due to how he is. I want to talk to him and help him badly, which he called me this past June and was wanting my "help" in a matter which I don't know. I figured out he was dating one of my old friends I used to work with while ago and he was verbally threatening to her. This makes him seem like a bad guy, but honestly, I have seen this man cry for me and I'm not sure if he even knows how to handle his anger sometimes. I want to help him, but I don't know if my heart can take it. I really thought I loved him at one time, and never got to tell him that I did love him. It was a very hard relationship to be in and I'm thinking my dreams are perhaps some way of me trying to let him go? Not too sure. Any takers on what might be happening, and why I am thinking this way?