ok im a biology major and I'm fairly certain i want a phd or md. science, specifically bio, has been and always will be my favorite subjects and i do possess a talent for understanding it, biology clicks very well for me and i do not mind working hard for it.

im deciding between graduate or med school and I'm having a hard time because i feel this will marry me to one of my two career goals: post secondary ed, and being a physician.

aside from a good gpa and mcat score, what do medical schools like to see, and what is the best way to afford them without winning the lottery? because loans scare the hell out of me

I'm well aware medical school will most likely be the worst years of my life lol, i always took school seriously and i believe myself to be a good student, thinker, and worker. so please, don't pull any punches, I'm really curious as to what I'm getting myself into. for me, ignorance is no bliss and the cold hard truth never hurt anyone. besides studying, which i don't exactly mind too much since i love science, what is involved in med school work. do i need my own equipment like microscopes ( i hope not) are they big on written work/stupid bio labs that i already knew the answers to lol. id really prefer it if school went like thins :lecture, study, exam...no bullshit. i hope thats how it goes

i never considered medical school, and i don't want to be a PA bc if I did the health route I want to take it to the end, no half assing on my part. but recently I'm starting to think about it. I've always worked hard in school, and i would love for it to pay off (for once haha) i feel like post secondary ed will require the same effort, but not the same reward
also i like the idea of choosing your workdays and being my own boss haha

but yeah sorry for the whole explanation, but id greatly appreciate someone telling me everything i need to know, bc when application time comes around, id rather just apply to med school or reg graduate school. no way am i studying for both the mcats and gre, like i said i like to give things 100% of my undivided attention

thank you