Recently I have had some serious problems with my testes. I am 15 in early stages of puberty.

To begin. I must have an undescended testicle because my right is the only teste visible in the scrotum. The left is above the penis and to the left a bit. So the likelyhood of that teste being fertile is slim to none.

Next up, yesterday I went to the hospital for a testicular torsion. They took a ultra-sound and said the blood flow was okay. The lady do the ultrasound must have realized I had a undescend teste and she did a good job of finding it. haha anyway they diagnosed me with epidymititis. or something like that. (simply and infection?) and the pain should go away. Now i have a few questions so please bare with me.

How likely is the left testicle to be fertile or dead or even cancerous? (my grandpa died of testicular cancer)
My right testicle has been moving ALOT and im not talking like the whole temperature change movement im talking ip down and side to side. Is it just my body fighting the infection?
If my right teste heals will it be fertile?

If the right teste really is a testicular torsion and they miss diagnosed me i wont be able to have kids
AHHHHHHHH SHAT FACE i wanna have a baby when i get older!
btw when i masturbate (last time was a week ago)
i ejacutlated normally with the large amount of semen i usually have. I mean it must be a lot for that 1 right tecticle beacuse only one can hold so muich)

this leads me to believe taht the left teste is functioning within my body. becuz the large amt of semen