A buddy of mine moved away about 5 months ago. We're both 17-year old guys, and since he moved away he used to text me every couple of weeks just to stay in touch I guess. I've got to be honest, I'm not one for texting, so about 99% of the time he'd never hear back from me, and when he did it'd usually be hours later.

He was in town a little while ago and wanted to know if I could hang with him the weekend, but long story short we didn't get together. Since he's moved away I haven't even tried to stay in touch with him.

We're not friends anymore now though. He's stopped trying to text me and stopped trying to contact me in any form. I noticed on Facebook he made a comment that he was headed back out to town for the weekend, but he didn't message me to ask if I could hang with him though.

Do you think he's better off without me?