Ladies, there is a girl that I just can't figure out. Before you comment, we kissed once, and a few weeks after I did ask her out. She said she would think it, that she did at one point. I took that as a no and moved on. (we have to see eachother everyday and she is concerned that it would be awkward)

Since then she engages me when I walk by, compliments from her, teasing, etc. I walk by all of her friends look down or at her, sits next to me, friend of hers that I never talked to asked who I was taking on vacation. If I pass her she tells me good nigt Jim.

For my part I will chat and joke only if she does. I try to be friendly not flirty.

I am confused, so when her friend stopped by I saw an opening in the conversation to say that I thought this girl was seeing so-in-so. I don't know if she is, and I am fine not dating her. I just like consistency. This flirting and stopping thing is annoying.

If she thinks that I think she is seeing someone else will that cause her to be a little more open or resolve things one way or another, or was it stupid. Because of where we interact I cannot easily pull her aside without drawing attention. When there is attention she clams up.