i have, well, "had", an extremely horrible habit of picking at my split ends. i did it every single day for THREE YEARS. every day i would continually put my head in a downwards position and pick apart the ends of my hair. i think my neck is getting back at me for this strain as now, since june, ive been having many many pains in my head.

ive had ct scans, blood work, and now on nerve pain med! ive stopped picking at my hair, usually just wear it up all the time so im not tempted. wen this first started, id bend my neck down and pain would just shoot straight up into my head! ive had stabbing pain, shock like pain, burning pain, dull pain, all types of pain! and im not migraine prone!

i saw a neurologist. he told me not to do it anymore. could my bad posture really have caused all this pain?