I saw Skip Bayless on first take that he say he would pick Tim Tebow over Aaron Rogers and Tom Brady under two minute situation and says he's not the prisoner of the moment.He always say people are being prisoner of the moment but he does the same thing with his emotions .He always yell and some how come to his sense he's always correct

I wondered why he was fired from his two previous jobs.
Remembered Tom Brady did his comebacks in the playoffs and in the superbowls when they didn't play prevent defense. Tim tebow made comebacks against Teams that commit stupid penalties and also the field goals and fumble recoveries that his team made.
This guy is seriously getting on my never I hope he gets fired like the Sean Salisbury guy.He's no longer an analyst but hot airhead who screams and try to intimidate people by saying stupid things that favor him and accuse others of being ridiculous. He should enter some screaming competition of drunking rednecks if he wants because this guy is becoming a joke as he has more aired time.